Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Trucking Road Hazards and Safety Tips


While on the road, unwanted circumstances could arise and could not be avoided. There are times due to too much road hazards the trucking services philippines is experiencing quite a huge setback on their business. The road hazards experienced by truck drivers where:

Types of Road hazards Experienced by Truck Drivers:

Truck road hazards could be specified and caused by different things such as people, animal, and many more. These intolerable situations could truly put a dent on our business. This could cause major loss on the business’ progress. Other factors that could contribute to these hazards where non-vehicular activities, weather condition and even environmental factors.

These truck road hazards could be seen everywhere and could happen to truck driver and even non truck drivers:

Debris: These are falling objects coming from the sky or from the top of the mountain. Debris could range from sand to rocks to ice to water and even litter. Sudden things falling from the sky could truly shocked a driver most especially when the situation was on a dark night and most surroundings was dim and quiet. It could really startle anyone even none drivers and cause them to react thoughtlessly leading to mishaps.

Potholes/ Uneven Roads: These are roads with unseen holes and uneven roads means the road is not level and could put the truck into an unbalance situation. When the truck pass by an unseen holes could shake the vehicle and cause the driver a short or severe panic. Uneven road could cause the vehicle to major damages to too much shaking up for it makes the vehicles’ loosen some screwed knots and the drivers’ grip be a bit loosen that could lead to motor vehicle collisions.

Pedestrian: Due to the heavy load of trucks making it go to a full stop could not be done easily for every pedestrian passing by. Most of the time, pedestrian is not diligently following the rules set by law enforcers causing a number of unwanted serious road accidents.

Animals: They are quite known to be the ‘badass of the road’ for they do not care and lookout for incoming vehicles. This was due to their limited awareness of the road hazards. These should be the ones to be avoided not them to avoid you for if you don’t, the authorities would definitely come and pick you up from the crime you did.

These are quite hazardous but with a little of self-awareness could possibly prepare you for such occasions. Here are some tips for truck drivers’ road safety:

8 Road Safety Tips

1. Watch your blind spots

Blind spots is where the person’s area of view is obstructed. Be sure to make yourself aware of your blind spots. These are:

  • Just behind trucks 
  • Behind the reach of the side mirrors 

Some might not know of such but as a person who already know these, they should be the one adjusting just to avoid accidents or unwanted situations. Just always remember not to drive too close and be cautious or else.

2. Slow Down on Work Zones

It is a must to reduce speed on road construction being too hot-headed on these occasion could cause major arguments even cause much heavier traffic. These work zones could be avoided by planning different route and knowing the lightest roadways possible. If only the fastest way to go through your destination is going that route, I suggest you to just keep your cool and be patient at most times.

3. Check your vehicle

Always make it a habit to maintain your vehicle from time to time. Be sure to always check for any damages or any old parts that needs repairing. Making sure of your vehicles’ maintenance could not just help you deliver your goods on time but also secure yourself from hazardous situation.

4. Fasten your seatbelt

This safety tip might be a bit of a cliché but it is a must to do so. It may cause some people whose wearing such the feeling of uneasiness or in a state of being uncomfortable due to being too tight or it being irritable while you’re driving. These could be less of a hassle if  you clip on somewhat of a cushion pillow to decrease the irritability being experienced.

5. Arranging cargoes wisely

Trucks drivers delivers quite a heavy amount of goods. These could be bothersome if the goods is not arrange wisely by wisely I mean the weight is being scattered equally not being stacked piles of piles of stacks leaving empty spaces around. From such, it could be prone to damage goods for it could cause the goods to fall then break or lose its quality. Be mindful of the capacity of vehicle and strategize a stacking plan.

6. be mindful of the Weather

Always remember to check for weather updates just so you could prepare for it. Because alertness is a good trait to exercise. Have a sense of what was happening in your surroundings, if the following trucks are pulling over due to bad weather, I think it is best to do the same just so you could avoid any damage that might hurt you or your goods.

7. Reduce speed on curves

Road curves are regular bends provided for a gradual change of direction. These road type could really be prone to accidents because of unseen incoming vehicles. I think it would be wise to reduce speed on such for own safety.

8. Take care of yourself

Trucks could not run by itself so to make it operational always keep yourself in good condition. Always keep mind to hydrate yourself for some weather conditions could really be challenging or demanding. Remember to stop over some pit stops or pull over to take a break and eat and stretch your legs to avoid strain muscles.

From determining the road hazards, we could now be prepared by remembering these road safety tips. Always remember, having a job is important but keeping yourself healthy is more important.

These road safety tips is brought to you by Metro Combined, a logistics company that handles land, sea and air freight forwarding.


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